GEOCHRONOLGY is the field of scientific
investigation concerned with determining the age and
history of the Earth's rocks and rock assemblages. Such time
determinations are made and the record of past geologic events is deciphered by
studying the distribution and succession of rock strata, as well as the
character of the fossil organisms preserved within the strata.
Earth's surface is a complex mosaic of exposures of different rock types that
are assembled in an astonishing array of geometries and sequences. Individual
rocks in the myriad of rock outcroppings (or in some instances shallow
subsurface occurrences) contain certain materials or mineralogic information
that can provide insight as to their “age.”
For years
investigators determined the relative ages of sedimentary rock strata
on the basis of their positions in an outcrop and their fossil content.
According to a long-standing principle of the geosciences, that of superposition,
the oldest layer within a sequence of strata is at the base and the layers are
progressively younger with ascending order. The relative ages of the rock
strata deduced in this manner can be corroborated and at times refined by the
examination of the fossil forms present. The tracing and matching of the fossil
content of separate rock outcrops (i.e., correlation) eventually enabled
investigators to integrate rock sequences in many areas of the world and
construct a relative geologic time scale.
knowledge of the Earth's geologic history has advanced significantly since the
development of radiometric dating, a method of age determination
based on the principle that radioactive atoms in geologic materials decay at
constant, known rates to daughter atoms. Radiometric dating has provided not
only a means of numerically quantifying geologic time but also a tool for
determining the age of various rocks that predate the appearance of life-forms.
Early views and discoveries
estimates suggest that as much as 70 percent of all rocks outcropping from the Earth's surface are sedimentary. Preserved in these
rocks is the complex record of the many transgressions and regressions of the
sea, as well as the fossil remains or other indications of now extinct
organisms and the petrified sands and gravels of ancient beaches, sand dunes,
and rivers.
scientific understanding of the complicated story told by the rock record is
rooted in the long history of observations and interpretations of natural
phenomena extending back to the early Greek
scholars. Xenophanes
of Colophon (560?–478? BC), for once, saw no difficulty in describing the
various seashells and images of life-forms embedded in rocks as the remains of
long-deceased organisms. In the correct spirit but for the wrong reasons, Herodotus
(5th century BC) felt that the small discoidal nummulitic petrifactions
(actually the fossils of ancient lime-secreting marine protozoans) found in
limestones outcropping at al-Jīzah,
Egypt, were the preserved remains of discarded lentils left behind by the
builders of the pyramids.
early observations and interpretations represent the unstated origins of what
was later to become a basic principle of uniformitarianism,
the root of any attempt at linking the past (as preserved in the rock record)
to the present. Loosely stated, the principle says that the various natural
phenomena observed today must also have existed in the past (see below The emergence
of modern geologic thought: Lyell's promulgation of uniformitarianism).
quite varied opinions about the history and origins of life and of the Earth
itself existed in the pre-Christian era, a divergence between Western and
Eastern thought on the subject of natural history became more pronounced as a
result of the extension of Christian
dogma to the explanation of natural phenomena. Increasing constraints were
placed upon the interpretation of nature in view of the teachings of the Bible.
This required that the Earth be conceived of as a static, unchanging body, with
a history that began in the not too distant past, perhaps as little as 6,000
years earlier, and an end, according to the scriptures, that was in the not too
distant future. This biblical history of the Earth left little room for
interpreting the Earth as a dynamic, changing system. Past catastrophes, particularly
those that may have been responsible for altering the Earth's surface such as
the great flood of Noah, were considered an artifact of the earliest formative
history of the Earth. As such, they were considered unlikely to recur on what
was thought to be an unchanging world.
With the
exception of a few prescient individuals such as Roger Bacon (c.
1220–92) and Leonardo da
Vinci (1452–1519), no one stepped forward to champion an enlightened
view of the natural history of the Earth until the mid-17th century. Leonardo
seems to have been among the first of the Renaissance
scholars to “rediscover” the uniformitarian dogma through his observations of
fossil marine organisms and sediments exposed in the hills of northern Italy.
He recognized that the marine organisms now found as fossils in rocks exposed
in the Tuscan Hills
were simply ancient animals that lived in the region when it had been covered
by the sea and were eventually buried by muds along the seafloor. He also
recognized that the rivers of northern Italy, flowing south from the Alps and
emptying into the sea, had done so for a very long time.
In spite
of this deductive approach to interpreting natural events and the possibility
that they might be preserved and later observed as part of a rock outcropping,
little or no attention was given to the history—namely, the sequence of events
in their natural progression—that might be preserved in these same rocks.
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