In the fast paced world that we now live in, people are faced with a
myriad of responsibilities and tasks to complete everyday. It’s a busy world
out there.
While many people are able to easily get through the day with many
achievements to show at the end of the day. Others achieve very little. Experts
say those that are more productive are the ones who have found ways to mange
time. They, however, stressed that time management is not about doing things
faster, rather, ways time can be used productively. To better use your time,
consider the following tips
Focus: You may be wondering what
focus has to do with time management. It has a lot to do. According to experts,
when people get their focus wrong, they tend to let them slip away. They argue
that when people focus on how busy they are, rather than on getting the task done,
they may not get much done.
To help you focus, it is
best to skip multi-tasking as you are more likely to lose concentration when
you multi task. When that happens, it will take you a longer period to get
things done and at the same time, loosing accuracy. Speed and accuracy are two
important but controversial factors in any task execution. Before you engage in
the former, master the later.
It is therefore
necessary for you to have a clear understanding of what is important, this will
help you determine what to focus on.
Know What You Have To Do: what are the tasks you have
to complete? When is the deadline for getting each of them done? Make a list
covering everything, including that two minutes stop to get a newspaper. Do not
just list the things you have to do, categorize them according to priority and
decide how you will go about accomplishing them. It is also wise to a lot
specific time to each task.
There is a saying that
if you do not know where you are coming from, you may not know where you are
going to. Similarly, if you do not know what you have to do, you can’t plan.
Plan Each Day: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Soldiers would always tell you that embarking on a war without a plan is
suicidal. It is advisable to take time to think of what you have to do before
setting out. You must also be careful not to spend most of your time planning.
Set Out Early, With a Great
Attitude: How you start your day
matters. Failing to get up early in a busy day is a huge set-back, as it means
you have cut short your productive time. Experts advise that by setting out
early, you stand a better chance of getting your task completed. They warn that
procrastination would only put you under pressure and render your plan useless.
They add that it also important
to set out with a positive attitude. For instance, instead of looking at your
busy schedule or challenges and lamenting, you can decide to take them as
opportunities by considering what you will achieve at the end of the day if you
overcome those challenges.
Learn To Manage Stress: for you to effectively
manage time, you have to also learn to manage stress. When you are stressed up,
you can easily become depressed and frustrated and that will make it difficult
for you to focus, plan or execute a plan. In today’s working environment,
people are often under immense pressure, a development experts say can take a
toll on them physically and mentally.
Review Your Day Half Way: Experts observe that its easier to plan than
to execute. It is therefore common to see people stray from their plan at some
point during the day. This is regardless of how great or effective the plan is.
This is why it is advised that in planning your day, you should make provision
for, and take time off your numerous activities and review your day at some
point – preferably, half way through. This is to give you a clear picture of
whether you are making progress or make some adjustments to ensure you don’t
fail to achieve your goals after all.
Be Realistic: Each day, you are expected
to achieve certain goals; some you set for yourself, others are set for you by
your employer. Having prioritized and come up with a plan to achieve them, you
will find that in the course of executing those plans, you may likely need the
help of others. Similarly, many people will come to you for help and that may
mean taking time off your own schedule. It is fine to help out when you can but
you must learn to decline when you can’t especially when it affects your own
schedule badly. For example, it doesn’t make sense to put your job on the line
just because you wanted to answer the good Samaritan.
Also avoid distractions
on different platforms like social media, chats and games when possible, and in
that way, you would be saving a considerable amount of time to meet your daily
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